While on Pinterest one day, I kept seeing cute burlap Christmas ornaments. I pretty much had everything except
the right type of burlap. They had used the ribbon burlap and all I had was the type cut from the bolt. I didn't want to make a trip to the craft store, so I gathered some supplies and decided to see what I could come up with, good or bad with what I had. The first try was awful and immediately went in the garbage. But the next one wasn't too bad. I liked them enough to made a few of them.
Items needed: burlap, foam balls, twine, decorations (I used small silver bells and some green glitter ribbon that I cut forked on the end to sort of resemble a leaf). The first one I made I used a larger foam ball (bottom picture below). I decided I liked the smaller balls better.
1. wrap your foam ball with burlap. Use a little bit of adhesive on the top to help hold it tight.
2.Tie a piece of twine around the top to hold it shut. Add your decorations
3. Thread another piece of twine through the back to hang it with.
Very clever idea! LOVE it!