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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Sweetheart Chain

 photo SweetheartChain_zps48713849.jpg

I've kind of been
in a jewelry-making stretch.  I have lots of pieces to post.  :)  After another night of insomnia, I finally got up and threw this necklace together before heading off to work.


Decorative glass beads (I used a variety of pinks)
Metal beads
Decorative bar
Crimp bead
Bead string wire
Wire cutters
Round nose pliers
Crimp tool

This necklace is long, so I made it as one continuous loop--no clasp.  Attach the bead string wire to a decorative bar with a crimp bead.  String a section of beads and then attach another decorative bar to the end of that section of beads.  Cut a length of chain and attach to one of the bars.  Repeat until you reach your desired length.  And if you look closely at the photo you can see not all of the sections are exactly the same.  The beads lengths are different.  I believe I cut the chain lengths all the same though.


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