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Monday, March 24, 2014

Creative Corner Hop #106

Happy Monday!  Welcome once again to the Creative Corner Hop.
Sorry I'm so late getting this posted today.  I just ran out of time over the weekend to get it ready.  I was able to wrap up so many projects this weekend, now I just have to get some blogging done.  :)  What about all of you?  Was your week wonderfully creative?  I hope so, we had so many terrific posts linked up last week.  I had such a difficult time narrowing down the features this week.  But I finally got it down to four.  Please be sure to visit all of these awesome blogs.  Here they are:

These scrumptious-looking cupcakes.  YUM!
Snicker Cupcakes

These charming little robin eggs.
DIY Speckled Wooden Eggs

These colorful, fun Chocolate Chip cookies
Rainbow Chocolate Chip Cookies



  1. Thank you Sandy for another party :)

  2. Sandy, thank you so much for the party.. the features are great - those speckled eggs are so cute... and the cupcakes - oh my... have a wonderful week. Cathy

  3. Thank you for featuring our cupcake!!!!

  4. Thanks for the party Sandy! Happy Spring! Theresa @DearCreatives

  5. thank you for this fabulous Monday party!!! :) Have a happy week!!
    “hugs” Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  6. Thanks so much for including my robin's eggs in your features this week :)


Please feel free to post your thoughts or comments here. And thanks so much for stopping by!