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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Guest Blog (Kind of...)

Due to my mother's crazy busy schedule... I have decided to post on her behalf for a moment.

Now, don't get confused, or your hopes up for that matter... I am NOT the creative goddess that she is. But I decided to share my own artistic side with you.

  My life revolves around photos. Whether it be simple photos of my pups or wedding & family photos that people have hired me to take. My camera is ALWAYS with me and always ready. I even find opportunity when I am out running. (Yes even when running races and relays. I feel a photo opp is always worth a few extra seconds of my time.)

So please enjoy a glimpse into how I see our beautiful world.


So dear sweet friends of mine asked me to take maternity photos for her and her partner. This was my very first attempt at this style. Navy looks gorgeous pregnant and I can't wait to meet Baby Girl KO :)

Selfie (plus one) with my adorable niece Hayleigh. I love cuddles and love with this precious gem.

A simple photo I took out while running in Smithfield Utah. I was out on a training run for Ragnar Wasatch Back. This is the 6th time I have run a Ragnar race in the past 5 years, and I have one more left this season.

**Side Note** The above Smithfield photo was selected through a photography contest on Instagram to be featured in the Washington DC office of Utah Senator Mike Lee.  Over 1,000 photos were submitted and mine was 1 of the 28 chosen. #TheRoadLessTraveled

An evening sunset I caught after a Sunset Safari with my littles at Utah's Hogle Zoo. Mother Nature at her finest if you ask me...


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