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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Crayon Art

 photo CrayonArt7-Copy_zps47116aea.jpg
My daughter made these
pictures for some of her friends as Christmas gifts.  When she showed them to me, I really liked how they turned out.  I asked her to take some photos so I could post them.

 photo CrayonArt1_zpsa9ac24e1.jpg
1. Begin with a blank canvas.
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2. Hot glue the crayons along the top of the canvas in the order that you want the colors.

 photo CrayonArt4_zps402bd05b.jpg
You don't have to use every color of crayon in the box.  If you're looking to match a certain color palette, then use only those colors.

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4. With your blow dryer, melt the crayons down the canvas.

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5. Pull the crayon papers from the canvas as the crayons melt.

 photo CrayonArt7-Copy_zps47116aea.jpg

Your finished art!  She also stenciled words on the bottom of one and then melted the crayons on the top.  It looked very cool.



  1. I am so glad I found your post, it has inspired me! I have been making all sorts of fun melted Crayon projects.

    1. I'm so happy this has inspired you. This was my daughter's project. It looks fantastic. The photo doesn't do it justice.


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