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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Hot Chocolate on a Stick

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4 cups Chocolate for melting - discs or bars
3 Tbsp. Unsweetened cocoa
3 Tbsp. Confectioner's sugar
Large marshamallows
Molds - icecube trays, popsicle trays, -I used an ice cube tray, but if I were to do these again I would buy a cute mold or popsicle tray.
Coffee stirsticks or popsicle sticks

Using a double boiler, melt your chocolate.  You can use whatever chocolate you like, the better quality of your chocolate, the better your hot chocolate is going to taste.  

Once your chocolate is melted, start adding your powdered sugar and powdered cocoa.  The recipe I used was approximately 3 tablespoons of each the cocoa and powdered sugar per 4 cups of melted chocolate.  Only add a little bit at a time, too much and the mixture will be too stiff and you won't be able to pour it into the molds.

Pour the mixture into the molds, but don't overfill them, especially if you're going to add a marshmallow on top.  

Dip the top of the marshmallow into melted chocolate (I melted a small amount of chocolate just for the marshmallows so it didn't have the cocoa and sugar in it).  And then I dipped them into fun candy sprinkles.  I shoved the sticks through the middle of the marshmallow and then into the chocolate in the mold.

Let the chocolate cool in the molds.  Once cooled the chocolate blocks should pop right out.  

You can leave the sticks the way they are and they're ready to use.  Stir into an 8 oz. cup of warm milk and ENJOY!

Or you can decorate them and give away as gifts.  We packed them up and used them in our December banner class as table favors.  The extras I packaged and had on the counter for Christmas breakfast for my granddaughters to use.

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