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Monday, January 20, 2014

Creative Corner Blog Hop #97

Happy Monday!  And welcome once again to the Creative Corner Blog Hop.

How many of you are lucky enough to have a long weekend?  Unfortunately, I'm not one.  So back to work I go.  :(  We did have a good weekend.  We had a birthday and a wedding anniversary celebration.  And held our fifth banner class, the love banner.    

Here are this week's features:

Yummy muffins
Strawberry Muffins

These darling towels
Anthropologie Inspired Heart Towels

The cute banner
Shabby Chic Joy Banner

And this fun little pillow.
Drop Cloth Owl Pillow



  1. Sandy, thank you so much for including my owl pillow with your great features this week. Thank you for hosting - have a great day even though you have to work... Cathy

  2. Thank you for the party! I am so excited to have Shabby Chic Banner featured also!


Please feel free to post your thoughts or comments here. And thanks so much for stopping by!