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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Berry Cheesecake Pudding Salad

 photo BerrySalad_zpse1c68148.jpg
I made this salad
for Christmas dinner and--YUM-- it's delicious.  But it makes a ton!  So if you don't have an army to feed then you might want to cut this recipe in half.  I'll definitely be making this again, since it has all the elements I like.  Super simple.  Cheesecake Pudding.  Berries.  Can't go wrong with that in my book!  :)

2 small boxes of instant cheesecake pudding (white chocolate pudding also works)
1 (32 oz.) container of low fat strawberry yogurt
1 (16 oz.) container of Cool Whip
10 oz. frozen mixed berries, partially thawed
3 large bananas, sliced
1 lb. fresh strawberries, sliced

Pour yogurt into a large bowl and mix in pudding (it will be lumpy).  Fold in the Cool Whip, (it all smooths out as you stir).  Add the fruit and stir.  Keep refrigerated.  ENJOY!  This salad is yummy!


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