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Monday, November 11, 2013

Creative Corner Hop #88

Happy Monday everyone, and welcome once again to the Creative Corner Hop!
I hope you all had an awesome weekend.  My husband and I spent time with two of our granddaughters.  They are at such a fun age, we enjoyed ourselves immensely.  

We had a bunch of terrific posts linked up last week.  There are so many talented crafters partying with us, I wish I could feature all of you.  :)  These are three I narrowed it down to.

This darling owl box.

Free Printables for your Elf on the Shelf

And these delicious-looking cookies!


    An InLinkz Link-up


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for featuring my Owl Gift Bow, and thanks for hosting this party!
    Hugs from Germany


Please feel free to post your thoughts or comments here. And thanks so much for stopping by!