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Monday, November 4, 2013

Creative Corner Hop #87

Good morning everyone.  Welcome to the Creative Corner Hop!
Hopefully you all had a terrific weekend.  My daughter ran in the Snow Canyon Half Marathon this weekend, so my husband and I traveled to Southern Utah with her to support her when she crossed the finish line.  Although she had not trained at all since her last marathon, she still improved her time by 10 minutes.  She was pretty sore though.  :)

This week we have three awesome features.

This terrific Fall paper crafting post.

And this YUMMY looking pumpkin dip

And last but not least, this charming table re-do.  What a great job!
Please go check out their blogs and support them. 
    An InLinkz Link-up



  1. Thank you for the great party! Have a great week!

  2. Thank you so much for featuring my paper crafts... congrats to your daughter on running the marathon - no small feat.... Cathy


Please feel free to post your thoughts or comments here. And thanks so much for stopping by!