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Friday, June 14, 2013

Stop Puppy Mills--It Starts YOU!

Pet stores that care about puppies don't sell them.
That's because the majority of pet stores that sell puppies carry dogs from cruel and inhumane puppy mills. Puppy mills are like dog-making factories with the mother dogs spending their entire lives in cramped cages or kennels with little or no personal attention or quality of life. When the mother and father dogs can no longer breed, they are discarded or killed. Consumers who purchase puppies from pet stores or over the Internet without seeing a breeder's home firsthand are often unknowingly supporting this cruel industry.

Help stop this cycle of cruelty simply by choosing to adopt your next pet from a shelter or rescue, or by only purchasing a dog from a responsible breeder who will show you where your puppy was born and raised. And that's not all—you can do even more by refusing to buy pet supplies from any store or website that sells puppies. Where you spend your dollars makes a difference. Make a statement when you shop!

Watch our new video, then fill out and submit your pledge below.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for this post! All it takes sometimes to put an end to cruelty is awareness brought about by good people like yourself.
    Let's put puppy mills out of business!


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