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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Free Blogger Opp! Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Take a look at the terrific blogger opportunity I found.

Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Brought to you by
Looking to offer an awesome cash value contest for your blog readers? Well, right now we are taking admissions for the Amazon Gift Card Giveaway that will start on February 16th! The prize will be determined by how many blogger participate with the goal of at least $100 to giveaway to one lucky winner. You have the option of one FREE link by either Twitter or Facebook, as well as paid options. There are also paid Host and Co-hosting options.

  • Prize: Anywhere from $100-$250 in the form of an Amazon eGift Code that will be e-mailed to the winner.
  • Event Dates: Starts at 9am EST on Saturday, February 16, and ends on March 2 at 11:59 EST.
  • This even is open WORLDWIDE.
  • Extra links cost $3 each and will be used to cover the cost of the prize. There are no admin fees.
Requirements to join:
  • Must post an announcement post, or send $5 by Paypal. Feel free to write your own post, but leave the blog links above in tact, as well as have it link to this blog post for signups.
  • Must promote 3x a week.
To sign up, go to: Free Blogger Opportunity


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