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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New craft table

I have been setting up a new craft room in my basement.  Although there is a built-in desk, it was no where big enough for me when it came to working on crafts.
Especially when I get out my Cricut or others over to craft with me.  So my husband put this beautiful table together for me.  It it great?  It's big enough two people can sit comfortably and still have plenty of room to work.  Plus, my little Harley poochie can have his bed underneath and be close to me. 

And as you can see in the photo above, it has shelves down each side for extra storage.  I saw something similar to this on another blogger's Facebook fan page and loved it. It was simple to put together--at least for my husband! :)

The white shelves are from Walmart ($15 each) and the top is made from a piece of walnut that he picked up at the local home improvement store. He rounded the corners, (we have small granddaughters whose heads are at that height) and then stained it ebony. I just love how it turned out.



  1. This is exactly what I need! I am showing the Mr. Love it!! Visiting from

  2. I dream of craft tables. Love the redo, definitely bookmarking for when I actually get a craft room put together :)

    1. It took a long time to get my craft room and beautiful new table, but it was worth the wait. I LOVE it.


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