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Monday, August 27, 2012

Creative Corner Hop #27

Morning everyone!  Have you ever had one of those days when your photos just look terrible no matter what you try?  That was my day yesterday as I was trying to get a post ready for today.  Finally, I gave up.  The photos were not doing the project justice at all--they looked awful.  I'll try for some better photos and post it later in the week.

The featured link from last week's hop is: DIY Wooden Casserole Tray from Doodles and Stitches.

This tray is AWESOME!  It holds a glass casserole pan perfectly.  If you haven't taken a look, go check it out.  I have plans to make this project for myself (and if it's as easy as she claims) also some for gift-giving.



  1. Thank you so much for the feature. You MUST send me pics after you get yours made. Thanks for hosting a great party!

  2. Good morning! Thanks for another great party!

  3. Hi Sandy
    Thank you for another party
    Wishing you a wonderful week!:)

  4. Good Morning Sandy and Holly!! Thanks so much for letting me come Party with you!! As usual, wonderful features!! I hope you both are having a wonderful week!!
    Hugs, Gratitude and Blessings!

  5. Thank you for hosting another round!

  6. Thanks for hosting! I linked up my curried chicken salad recipe:


Please feel free to post your thoughts or comments here. And thanks so much for stopping by!