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Monday, August 6, 2012

Creative Corner Hop #24

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and your week is off to a great start.  We had some terrific projects linked up last week.  There are some very talented and creative people who party with us each and every week.  Thanks for coming by and linking up!

We had a tie for the featured link from last week's hop.  Ashley from Ashley's Dandelion Wishes created a lovely Christmas ornament.


and Jessica from Green PBnJs re-purposed a T-shirt into a cute Drawstring Tank Top.

Both of these projects are awesome and even better, they both have great tutorials for anyone to follow!  Go take a look.  Now on to the party.


  1. Thanks so much for another party
    Have a great week!

  2. Thanks for the link party! I am following you on Linky Followers. Have a great week!

  3. Thanks so much for the feature! Will be linking again! :) -Jessica

  4. Thank you for hosting this blog hop again (already your follower). Listed here, where you can also join more blog hops at Monday Blog Hops Directory.

    The Quiet Mom blogging How to Cook Fresh Artichoke Recipe

    Also, don't miss this: 12 Major Reasons to Use Self-Hosted WordPress for Blogging and Selling Your Products Online + Custom Blog or Social Network Button Giveaway

  5. What a creatively cute blog hop idea!! As soon as I get back into crafts... I'm sooo linking up!!

  6. Thanks for hosting another great party! I love that drawstring tank feature, very cool!

  7. Thanks so much for hosting! This is my first time linking up(I'm #47).I'm a new follower through Linky Followers.

  8. That repurposed t-shirt turned into a drawstring tank top is so cute. I really love it! It's awesome that there is a tutorial. Thanks!


Please feel free to post your thoughts or comments here. And thanks so much for stopping by!