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Monday, May 7, 2012

Creative Corner Hop #11

Happy Monday everyone.  It's the beginning of another week and I hope it's fantastic for all of you.  I can't wait to see what everyone has to been crafting and cooking up this week. 
The featured link this week is The Crafty Blogstalker's Handmade Journal.  This is a great tutorial.  I hope everyone who hasn't already checked it out, pops over there and takes a look. 


  1. Thanks so much for hosting. Enjoy your week. Megan

  2. Hi Sandy
    Thanks for hosting another party!

  3. Thank you for featuring my journal!! You have completely made my day!

  4. Morning, Sandy! Brought my Sunday Gravy and a few Tex-Mex favorites to the party today. Thanks so much for hosting another Creative Corner Monday. Hope you have an awesome week! ~Mary

  5. Thanks for hosting! I hope you have a great week ahead!


Please feel free to post your thoughts or comments here. And thanks so much for stopping by!