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Monday, April 23, 2012

Creative Corner Hop #9

Hey everyone, I hope you all had a fabulous week!  We had a tie again this week for our feature, both of these links were equally popular, receiving the same number of clicks. 

Our Pinteresting Family Lampshade Redo  -- I love this lampshade!

Great jobs ladies!  These projects are wonderful and I can't wait to try both of them.  Now on to this week's linky party.


  1. Thanks for featuring my recovered lampshade. :) I appreciate it!! Enjoy your week. Megan

  2. Thanks for hosting! You are going to laugh. I have the hardest time finding your link-up. I went to twitter to see if you tweeted it! & sure enough!! I kept missing where it was located, forgot the day of the week it was on. Hopefully I can keep it straight now! lol
    I look forward to visiting all the creative recipes & ideas.
    Visiting from @

  3. Thank you for hosting the hop. Added your hop badge here:

    Following your twitter, SU, FB and Pinterest.

    My recent posts:
    Crafting >>
    Cooking >>


Please feel free to post your thoughts or comments here. And thanks so much for stopping by!