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Monday, April 9, 2012

Creative Corner Hop #7

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a lovely Easter!  We had a great day celebrating with family.  This week's featured link is: Egg~Scrap~Tic from the The Blue Mason Jar.  

Such a fun project.  She has a great blog and lots of creative ideas on posted.  Go check her out.

If you liked this post, please vote for my blog on:


  1. Thank you for hosting! Enjoy your day. Megan

  2. Thanks for hosting a lovely party. Can't wait to see what everyone links up!!

  3. Thank you for hosting this party
    Hope you're have a wonderful holiday

  4. Thanks for hosting....have a great week!

  5. Hi Sandy! Sorry that I'm linking up a little late. For some reason your emails and Holly's re: the Creative Corner Blog Hop ended up in my spam folder and I don't know why... Maybe it was because of the linky? Google can be a little strange and once in a while totally legit blogs end up not going into my inbox. I hopefully have that fixed now, so it shouldn't be a problem anymore. :~) Thanks so much for co-hosting! Hope you're having an awesome week! ~Mary

  6. Hi Sandy :)) Stopping by the hop through Holly's blog! I'm your newest follower through GFC and LF. Hope you can stop by my blog and return the ♥!


  7. Thanks for hosting! I hope to see you soon! Have a great rest of your week. I am going on a little spring break run & will be back soon. xo Theresa from


Please feel free to post your thoughts or comments here. And thanks so much for stopping by!