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Monday, April 2, 2012

Creative Corner Hop #6

Hi everyone! I just want to thank all of you who keep coming back to link up your wonderful projects! I love seeing all of the unique and creative work you generate. There are so many talented people out there.

 This week's spotlight is shining on: Karyn at Things that make you say Mmm... for her Mini Honey Raspberry Baked Oatmeal Cups.  Thanks, Karyn, for sharing such a fantastic recipe with us.  Everyone go check out this terrific blog and yummy recipe.

If you liked this post, please vote for my blog on:

The Top 100 Mommy Blogs  TOP BLOGS BY CRAFTERS


  1. Thanks so much for the feature! I have linked up again. Have a great week!

  2. Thanks for hosting! Hope you have a great week.

  3. Finally got back to crafting. I spent a week under the weather which sets you back. This week is busy with kiddos in a school play. Glad I managed to drop in wish you a happy Easter & link up! Drop by anytime I will catch up next week with you. Theresa from


Please feel free to post your thoughts or comments here. And thanks so much for stopping by!