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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sardine Yummies Poochie Treats

I have been very remiss in updating this blog of late.  Although I do have several projects to upload, I have had camera problems--that's my excuse anyway.  I still haven't figured out the one issue that has most of my projects wrapped up in it.  Hopefully, I can get it worked out in the next week or so.  The hectic time of year and all that has had my attention elsewhere.  In the meantime, here are some gourmet poochie treats for all the dog lovers out there.  If you make this recipe, be prepared for the smell to permeate your house.  It's definitely a Scentsy morning when these get made!  :)  But the dogs love them. 

3 raw eggs
1 can of sardines packed in olive oil
1 package (an inside sleeve--not the entire box) of graham crackers

Dump everything into a blender and blend until completely combined.

Spoon mixture onto a cookie sheet and spread out.  Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for approximately 20 minutes until it looks rubbery and light brown on top.

Let cool, then cut.  Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container.  They make great training treats.  My dogs love them!

1 comment:

  1. I was so excited when I visited your site and found dog food recipes. I can't wait to make for my fur babies. Thanks


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