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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tell Me About Yourself Award

I love receiving these cute bloggy awards! Pinkoddy's Blog: My Thoughts and Knowledge passed along the Tell Me About Yourself Award to me and several other bloggers a while back (I'm ashamed to admit how long ago). The reason it has taken me so long to post is because I have a difficult time revealing things about myself. However, I want to say "Thank you SO MUCH!", and encourage everyone to please stop by and visit her blog. It was very sweet of her to recognize me. 

Here are the rules for receiving this award:
I must tell 7 things about myself (although I'm seriously running out of things to tell), and I must pass it on to 15 other bloggers.
Seven things about me:
  1. I'm fairly organized,except when it comes to my artistic side--chaos reins. 
  2. I love pizza.
  3. I'm forever making lists.  My life revolves around them. If it's not written down, it doesn't get done.
  4. I love when I have the house to myself and I can work in quiet solitude, no background noise at all.
  5. Like Homer Simpson, I can't pass up a doughnut even if it meant it would save my life! 
  6. I'm an early riser, but the older I get, the less I seem to get done--regardless of how early I get up.  My mind goes in a thousand directions.
  7. Like most of you, I live love to blog. 

15 other deserving bloggers--please take a moment and  visit all of these wonderful blogs!

  1.  Holly's Stamping Addiction  (Paper craft blog--she's very talented!)
  2. Picture Book Girl  (Wonderful children's book author)
  3. Cami's Books  (Writes book reviews and an author herself!)
  4. Things That Make You Say: "Mmmmm..."!  (Great cooking blog)
  5. Slip Stitches And More   (Sewing, embroidery, crochet and knitting blog)
  6. Karima's Crafts   (Crafting blog)
  7. 3 Creative Chics   (Design, photography, sewing, junking & crafting blog)
  8. Sarah Fitness   (Fitness blog)
  9. Kissed By A Frog   (Lots opf great DIY ideas)
  10. Living On A Dollar   (Coupon, Giveaway blog)
  11. Adventures At Green Acre   (Recipes, freebies, life)
  12. Gracie Lu Shih Tzu   (Super cute pet blog)
  13. Mom's Life Made Easy   (Great web site for busy moms)
  14. Rookies Making Cookies   (Beginner cook, learning along the way)
  15. Piggies Pleasures   (Fun craft blog) 

Please vote for my blog on Picket Fence Blogs!


  1. Thank you so much for the award (you're awesome!).

  2. Thank you so much for the award! This is awesome and I look forward to participating too!

  3. Thanks for the award! You have such a cute blog!

  4. Thank you so much for the award. You have a lot of great projects on here! If I had fingers instead of paws, I would try some of them. (My mom would too, but she isn't so good at doing projects...)

  5. Thank you so much for the award PS: sorry for the delay in replying. K


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