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Monday, May 30, 2011

One Lovely Blog Award

I feel so honored to have received another blog award.  One Lovely Blog awarded from Melissa at Mel Dreams Often. Thank you so much, Melissa!

Again, I need to list 7 things about myself.  (This really is the most difficult part for me!)  I don't think there are seven more things to list, but I'll give it a try...

  1. My favorite season is Autumn.
  2. I'm a terrible photographer, which makes it difficult to run a successful blog.
  3. We have three dogs, two Shih Tzus and a Shih Tzu mix. The mix is a new puppy we recently adopted.
  4. I'm fascinated with Regency England. I read as much as I can about the time period.
  5. I love true crime stories, whether to read about them or watch them on the screen.  Kind of gory I know, but I love 'em.
  6. I have always loved painting, crafting, crocheting, embroidering, etc. My obsession began from the time I was old enough to hold a crayon. 
  7. I'm my own worst critic.  
Phew...I did it!

The five blogs I have chosen to award are (in no particular order):

Cedar Hill Ranch


  1. Wow, thanks so much Sandy! I feel really honoured! I will put a blog post together this week and link back to you. x

  2. Thank you so much for the award, Sandy! You are super sweet. :) Autumn is my favorite season, too!

  3. Thanks Sandy so much!! I too will do a post on this and link back. You are precious.

  4. Thanks for the award!

    I love true crime too! :-)

  5. Congratulations on winning One Lovely Blog - Cherished Handmade Treasures is, indeed a very lovely blog! I'm visiting from the Random Deals Whimsical Wednesday blog hop, and I'm so glad I found you. I "followed" your blog and would love a follow back. Thanks,

  6. Sandy is my blog on the award, giving it to 5 more and linking back to you.

    Have a blessed day.

    Can't comment in Google identity today for some reason.

  7. Hey Sandy, I have a Friday blog hop going and I'd like to feature you. Would that be ok? You wouldn't have to do anything. I would pull some of my favorite project photos from your blog and write a little about you. Let me know.

  8. Hi Sandy, I'm not sure if you got my other message about featuring you this week, during my blog hop. I am going to go ahead and post it. If you want me to remove it, just tell me. I hope that is ok. I really enjoy your blog, and wanted to share it with my followers. Have a good day!

  9. LOVE your blog, It has EVERYTHING and it's darling!


    I found you from the Fancy Friday Blog Hop!

  10. I love learning more about bloggers. I'm not the best photographer, either. So, I snap a TON of photos to get a few gems to post on my blog.

    I'm a new follower from the Fancy Follower hop at Mel Dreams Often.

  11. Congrats on receiving the award. I am a new follower from Fancy Friday, I'm really enjoying your blog (looking around). Hope you will stop by:

  12. I'm coming over from Mel Dreams Often. I'm your newest follower and can't wait to check out the rest of your blog!

  13. stopping by from mel dreams often's hop!


Please feel free to post your thoughts or comments here. And thanks so much for stopping by!