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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Meet the Eggbert Family

Meet my little egg family the Eggberts--Roger, Bunny, Violet and baby Arley. A friend of mine came up with their surname.  :)  Aren't they an enjoyable addition to your Easter decorations?  And so fun to make--a little paint, some wooden cut-outs along with a bit of time and patience. VoilĂ !  Look what you have created. 

Paint list

  1. Pink Angel
  2. Wicker White
  3. Salem Blue
  4. Cophen Blue
  5. Black
  6. Yellow
  7. Barn Red 
  8. Floating medium

Start with the blank wooden pieces and base them with the white paint.

Finished Eggbert family.

Roger: Use Pink Angel for his nose and cheeks.  Then use a fine brush and with Black outline the shaded area on both cheeks and edges of the egg (can also use an extra-fine sharpie marker), also a couple of black lines for cracks.   I also used some floating medium with my blue and shaded the edges of the egg, where I was going to place his mouth, his eyebrows and the cracks.  Allow everything to dry in between steps.

I used Cophen Blue, Black, and Wicker White for the eyes.  Paint the eyebrows with Black using a fine paint brush.

Base his shirt with the pink angel. Base his tie with Seamist.  Base his shoes with Yellow.  The cross hatches (checkers) on his shirt are done with the Barn Red and white. Use the Barny Red to shade around his tie and around the edges of his shirt.  With black and a fine-tipped brush paint the collar and outline his tie.  I used the Pink Angel and the Yellow and painted small flowers in his tie, but you could decorate it any way you wanted. 

His shoes are Yellow and the soles are white.  With the fine-tipped brush and black draw the lines for the tennis shoe.

Bunny:  Base her ribbon in Yellow. I painted small blue hearts on the bow and outlined in black with a fine-tipped brush.  Her hair is Pink Angel and her curls are outlined with black and that handy fine-tipped brush.  :)

I would have to say her eyes are the easiest of all since they are closed.  Give her some eyelashes and again I used some blue mixed with floating medium on the edges of the egg where I placed the mouth, eyes and any cracks.  Her cheeks are based in Pink Angel, same as her lips.  She is a girl, give her kissable lips.

Her apron tie is Yellow and the apron itself is Salem blue and shaded with Cophen Blue thinned with floating medium.  The edge is Yellow and it's decorated with White dots.

Her socks are White with a ruffle on the top and her shoes are black with a blue bow.  I used white to outline and separate the shoes.

Violet:  Her bow is based in Pink Angel shaded with Barn Red mixed with floating medium.  It's decorated with small Yellow flowers with White centers.  She has Yellow curls outlined in black.   Again you will need your fine-tipped brush to outline the curls and bow.

I used Cophen Blue, Black, and Wicker White for the eyes.  Paint the eyebrows with Black using a fine paint brush.   I used some blue mixed with floating medium on the edges of the egg where I placed the mouth, eyes and any cracks.  Her cheeks are based in Pink Angel, same as her lips.  Another girl--so another set of kissable lips.

Her apron tie is Pink Angel and the apron itself is Yellow.  It is decorated with small White flowers with pink centers.  I also dropped a tiny splash of color right behind each flower with the Pink Angel thinned with floating medium.  The edge is Pink Angel.  And again everything is outlined with black and your fine-tipped brush.

Her socks are Yellow with a ruffle on the top and her shoes are based with Pink Angel.  Outline the little strap on with your black paint.

And last but not least--Arley:  He is the least complicated.  I used Cophen Blue, Black, and Wicker White for the eyes.  Paint the eyebrows with Black using a fine paint brush.   I used some blue mixed with floating medium on the edges of the egg where I placed the mouth, eyes and any cracks.   Base his ribbon in Yellow. It's decorated with small White flowers. And voilĂ --your done!  Your very own Eggbert family (your whatever you want to call them).

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  1. Happy "Get Wired Wednesday"! I'm following you now thru the blog hop and hope that you'll follow me back. Have a fantastic day!!


  2. Following via Moms Afternoon Social Hop
    Life Below Zero

  3. I love your stuff! I've always wanted to do Tole painting. I'm now following you via the Blog Hop from last friday. Kara Allred

  4. Visiting from the hop and following via google and twitter. These are adorable!

  5. Hi Sandy! Thanks for dropping by A Crafty Soiree and my blog Katie's Nesting Spot. I'm so glad you did, I love new friends and am thrilled your my 1000th follower:)

    You are a really talented painter, the Eggbert family looks fabulous! I love how you said, " Little paint, some wooden cut-outs along with a bit of time and patience," you make it sound so easy! Ah for non painters, they look totally beyond anything I could do!


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