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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Giveaway" Curling Iron Holder & $10 gift card-closed

Giveaway open from March 28 through March 31, 2011
This blog is giving away a Curling Iron Holder & a $10 gift card to Michaels

Leave a separate comment for each entry with an email address. There are 6 ways to enter.

  1. Follow me through Google Connect Friends (on right side of page).
  2. Follow me through Networked Blogs (on right side of page).
  3. "LIKE" me on Facebook.
  4. Grab my button (on right side of page).
  5. Subscribe to my blog (on right side of page under "subscribe").
  6. Blog about this giveaway with a link back to my site (be sure to post your link here so I know where to find it) can do this on your blog, twitter or facebook pages.
And please remember to vote for my blog on the Mom blogs,
 Picket Fence Blogs (once daily)
and on The Top Mommy Blogger network
Giveaway ends 3/31.   US entries only. 

Winners will be selected at random and announced 4/04

These giveaway prizes are being provided at the blog owners expense. It is not sponsored in any way.


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Please feel free to post your thoughts or comments here. And thanks so much for stopping by!