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Friday, March 4, 2011

Fashionable Hair pins

I love hair pins.  For both adults and children.  Here's a quick way to make inexpensive fashionable hairpins for you, your child, or just to give away as a fun, easy gift.

Brads/Cute embellishments
Decorative bobby pins
Paint brush
Needle nose pliers
Wire cutters
Hot glue gun


Select the brad for your hairpin.  Trim the metal tacks on the back of the brads and flatten the remaining pieces.

Cut a small circle of felt.  Insert between the hairpin.  Place some hot glue on the felt.

Place the flattened brad onto the hot blue and press, holding securely for a second or two.  Let dry. 

Adorable hairpins!


  1. New follower from the MBC Blog Hop. I look forward to reading your blog! Come visit me at The Blessed Couponer (http://theblessedcouponer) and follow back :) Thanks and have a great day!

  2. Hi! I love the hairpins and think my daughter will too. I'm not very crafty but I think we can do this. Thanks for the great idea:) You have a new follower from MBC. My blog is new (not a week old yet).. check it out if you want.. Thanks! Anne

  3. I love hairpins, too, and these ones you made are really pretty! :) Thanks for dropping by my blog and for following me on GFC, I'm following you, too. :)

  4. this is a cute idea. I don't know why I never thought of doing this since I buy these all the time! Thanks!

    Here is my latest post:


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