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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Corkscrew Hair Bows

My daughter-in-law has been making some cute hair bows for her daughters.  So I asked her to take some pictures and write it up for the blog.  Besides hair bows, they can be used for curly gift bows (or to apply to the Mod Podge gift boxes posted earlier).  Actually, these bows can be used for a variety of applications.

My D-I-L found the instructions here:  eHow Cork Screw Hair Bow instructions   By Erica Green, an eHow Contributing Writer

Supplies needed:
1/4-inch wooden dowels
1/4-inch ribbon
Metal hair clip or headband
Strong thread
Small binder clips (I use clothes pins, I think they are easier to work with.)
Glue gun
Cookie sheet


Using a binder clip or clothes pin, attach one end of the ribbon to the wooden dowel.

 Wrap the ribbon around the wooden dowel in a spiral and secure at the bottom with a second binder clip/clothes pin.

Put wooden dowels on a cookie sheet and then into the oven. Bake for about 20 minutes at 250 degrees. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely.

Take the binder clips off the wooden dowels and carefully unwrap the ribbon.

Cut a piece of strong thread to assemble the bow.  Gather the ribbons in a bundle, mixing the colors. Find the center of the gathered ribbons and tie a secure knot.

Add a small amount of hot glue to the hair bow and attach to the metal clip or headband.

Crafts2u Online Crafts Superstore


  1. stumbled this here:

  2. Hi there. I “stumbled” the post you have at Makobi Scribes new hop, and I ask you to return the favor. I put up the following links on her “stumble hop”: - a page listing hops for every day of the week - a list of charities which are highly rated for using your charitable donations for the purpose you intended - a page for recipes – and there are some great ones here - day one of a week-long series examining the death penalty - one of my more popular posts: “Expletive deleted? THANK YOU VERY MUCH!”

    Thank you, and have a great week!

  3. I love all these pictures. Thank you so much for joining the hop. You have been stumbled! You can find my post here: Blog Hop Commenting

  4. OK, that's's official. I was born without a single crafty bone in my body! I've visited so many blog posts today that show such creativity and craft abilities...and it just blows my mind! I wish I could do this stuff!

    I stumbled you...would love if you could stumble me back:

    Kristin :)

  5. Very cute! Thanks for the great tutorial - need to make some for my daughter if I can ever get her to keep them in her hair. :)

    Stumbled your post, here's mine: herb soap tutorial


  6. I stumbled your post. These are so cute!! I can't wait to make some for my little girl. :-)

    I am also following in all ways available. Have a great weekend!!

    Chasing Serenity

  7. I linked your page on my blog post today after using your approach to corkscrew my ribbon.
    Thanks for the tips.


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