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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mosaic Tiled Table Project


A variety of tiles
5/8" piece of plywood for tabletop
Plant stand for base
Tile spacers
Tile adhesive
Epoxy gun
Tile sealer
Grout float
Soft rag
Flat board, bricks, phone book etc...(something heavy for weight)

1. Lay out your tile design on a 5/8" thick plywood board that's cut to the dimensions of the tabletop.

2. Set spacers between the tiles to hold them in place. Use the size of spacer you want your grout line to be.

3. Working from the center out, remove tiles one at a time, spread tile adhesive on the backs, and then stick them on the board. We used a tile adhesive found at Home Depot. These tiles were not all the same heights, so it was more difficult to grout this tabletop because we did not build up a level bed beneath them first. Recommendation: if you are using different height tiles, take this extra step. Replace the spacers and let the adhesive set for 30 minutes, then remove them.

4. Position a flat board on top of the tiles, and weight it down. A couple of bricks or phone books will do. Wait 24 hours for the adhesive to dry before removing the weights.

5. Glue the tabletop to the base and let set so you can glue the edge tile on before grouting.

6. As soon as all the adhesive is dry you are ready to grout the tiles. We used a Polyblend non-sanded grout left over from another project. Mix it per the instructions on the package. Spread a thick coat of grout over the surface using a grout float working it into the gaps.

7. Remove the excess grout from the tile faces with the float. Clean the tiles at least twice by spritzing with water, and sponging off any remaining residue with a soft rag. Let it set for 48 hours before applying a sealer to the grout lines. Then go ahead and use your stylish new table.

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  3. That is beautiful, I love how it turned out!

  4. Great table! Love the mix of tiles! I love mosaics and you did such a great job :)


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