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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Whatever Wednesday #3

Happy Wednesday everyone!  So sorry I completely forgot this linky party last week.  I was recovering from vacationing in Hawaii to returning home to more snow--blah!  And then it was back to work.  My days were confused and busy and it slipped by me.  Now here we are again, let's find some new bloggy friends.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Photo Collage

I see all of these cute photo collages and I have been wanting to do one for a long time.  I had a hard time matching the frames to my husband's antique mantel clock.  The clock sitting on the mantel is over 100 years and belonged my husband's great-grandfather.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Creative Corner Hop #53

So what has everyone been up?  I've been so busy this last week, I've really been neglecting this blog.  Sorry everyone. :(   I hope to do better this week.

This week's feature is: Vintage Flashcards--Decorating Ideas from Crystelle Boutique

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Crocheted Edge Baby Burp Cloths

A while back, I visited a friend and she showed me a cute burp cloth she was crocheting.  She had actually done several and had them tucked away for new baby gifts.  One of the stitches was this X and O stitch.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Creative Corner Hop #52

Well I'm back online.  Sorry the hop is late this morning.  I was in Hawaii all last week and yesterday was our travel day to get back home, but we ran in to a few difficulties to hang us up.  We finally made it home

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Whatever Wednesday Party #2

Thanks for joining us for our second Whatever Wednesday party!  I hope everyone is finding some new bloggy friends to visit and follow.  I know I have.   :)  I'm still away from the computer, but I will do my best to catch up and visit everyone who links up.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Creative Corner Hop #51

Hey everyone!  I hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend and got lots of crafting done.  :)  My weekend was busy and I didn't get much of anything done in the way of my crafting projects.  However, I did attend a very fun Valentine Chalk-Art workshop.  I will be practicing and hopefully posting some projects over the next few weeks.  :)  I won't be on the computer this week, but I have scheduled a few posts so maybe you all won't notice.  :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Tip Hero's 7,000 Tips Giveaway--Ends 02/20

Welcome to Tip Hero's celebratory 7,000 tips giveaway event!  $150 Amazon gift card--WooHoo!  What a FABULOUS prize for one lucky reader.  Are you that winner?  Only if you get your entry in below.  So simple and a $150 gift card could be yours.  :)

For years, Tip Hero has been proud to share helpful tips that help our community save money.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Whatever Wednesday Link Party

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Happy Wednesday to all of favorite people!  I hope this hop proves to be more successful than our Things We Find Pinteresting Thursday linky party.  I truly was sorry to see that party dissolve, but life moves on.

This linky is for bloggers who wish to connect with other bloggers and make a few new friends.  You can link-up any or all of your social media: Blog, FB, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Blog Frog, or You Tube.  Whatever you wish.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pink Cricut Expression Sale--Don't miss out!

This Valentines Day get the Pink Cricut Expression for $70 off - now only $179.99!

580538_Pink Cricut Expression Sale

I love my Cricut.  You can use them for so many different projects.  This is just one of the projects I have used mine for: Happy Birthday Reminder Board

And now for a limited time, will be selling the Pink Cricut Expression for only $179.99.  Bu you have to hurry!  This offer ends TOMORROW February 6th, 2013.


Monday, February 4, 2013

Creative Corner Hop #50

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope everyone's week is off to a good start.  This week's featured link is: Easy Jeans and Fleece Rag Quilt from Crystelle Boutique

Friday, February 1, 2013

Melissa and Doug $350 Toy Giveaway--Ends 02/26

Melissa and Doug Toys offer lasting enjoyment, they are so well built.  But they are not only durable, they are educational as well.  And you have the opportunity to win $250 worth of toys from their line!  The first and second runner-up will each get $50 worth of toys.  And winning is easy!  Just enter below. 

$350 Melissa & Doug Toys Giveaway
Sponsored by Melissa & Doug
Hosted by Coupon Gator Mommy

And the Winner is...January Giveaways

Seeing Double Keuring Vue V700 Giveaway--Entry #256136   Vicki T.

Love Your Pets Giveaway--Entry #31369Melissa B.;    
Entry #20988Krystal M.;   
Entry #9755Jen B.;
Entry #11865Terri T.;  
Entry #13204Ericka C.;   
Entry #36381Danielle K.;  
Entry #57060Leslie H.;   
Entry #37616Jennifer M.;    
Entry #26797Melissa T.;    
Entry #28365Stephanie B.;    
Entry #15286Carla B.;   
Entry #43437Gayle W.

$150 Barnes and Noble Gift Card--Charlene C.